About Us
About Anacortes Schools Foundation
ASF is led by a board of 16 directors and 1 part-time staff. Our board and staff are highly committed to ensuring ASF's resources best serve our students.
Our Mission
Empower and inspire Anacortes students through scholarships and enriched learning opportunities.
To accomplish this mission, ASF raises funds through two major annual events; the "Fueling Education Fun Run" and the "Celebrate the Season Dinner & Auction."
In addition, we solicit funds for the Ready to Learn Fair, through our annual campaign and for specific programs through ASF Designated Donations.
Anacortes Schools Foundation is proud to partner with Anacortes School District.
Our Vision
ASF builds relationships with donors who want to make a difference in our schools. Through funding and program support, we focus on helping the whole student thrive and achieve their highest potential.

ASF Board Members at the 2022 Fun Run
Executive Board of Directors
Board Committees
In addition to the seven committees listed below, new committees are established each year in support of the "Celebrate the Season" and "Fueling Education Run." As needed, the Board may also appoint Ad Hoc committees for specific projects.
- Fundraising and Marketing Committee
- Scholarship Committee
- Policies and Processes Committee
- Human Resources
- Finance and Investment Committee
- Grant Committee
- Compliance Committee
The Board of Directors is a dedicated, working volunteer board comprised of up to 21 community and parent leaders, plus the Anacortes School District Superintendent who acts as Ex-Officio and liaison with the school district.
If you have additional questions or for more information, please complete the Contact Form on our "Contact Us" page.

The Scholarship Committee zooming in for a meeting.
Meet the Executive Director

Treva King completed her three-year tenure as ASF Board President in December 2023 and has been a member of the ASF Board of Directors for the previous eight years, chairing and serving on several of ASF’s committees.
She brings vast non-profit and board experience to her new role as well as a background in education. Treva earned a BA from the University of Washington and an MEd from Western Washington University. She then taught English at Anacortes High School for eight years before taking time off to raise her two sons with her husband, Brian. She returned to the classroom as a preschool teacher for another eight years and has been engrained in the Anacortes community for many years.
To learn more about how you can contribute your time, talents, and/or treasure, call Treva at 360-488-2343 or email execdirector@asfkids.org.
Anacortes School Foundation has earned a 2020 Gold Seal by adding information to our Nonprofit Profile on GuideStar. Now, our community members as well as 10 million + GuideStar users can find in-depth information about ASF's goals, strategies, capabilities and progress. We're shining a spotlight on the difference we help make in the world.
National Association of Education Foundations

Anacortes School Foundation is a member of the National Association of Education Foundations.